Ashley Hough guides you through a useful and easy-to-make small drawstring bag in this exclusive NSC GOLD LIVE class.
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Just beginning to use my serger for more than edge finishes and have a often do I need to change my serger needles? I change my machine needle between every project or more often if needed but the serger needles do so many more stitches in the same amount of time that I'm confused about how often to change them. (I admit that I rarely if ever changed the needle before since I only used a 3-thread for finishing seams)
This is the first time for me to tune into these type of classes, very informative but lost the web feed after 16minutes into the class so could only follow with voice only. Would have enjoyed the visual much better as I could have watched the different stages of construction. Thank you for the invite, look forward to further live casting.
I do not know what kind of comment that you want.
No website
Love the videos!
Darling bag. Perfect for any fishing enthusiast. I'm picturing a salmon, or halibut or rainbow trout.
Looking forward to this
Looking forward to it.