Project 2: Scrabble Board Throw Pillow

Scrabble board throw pillow

We are moving right along with a fun project to personalize for any person or occasion: a scrabble board throw pillow. I love this project because you can use the same pattern to create many different pillows with no two exactly the same.

Scrabble board throw pillow

The main board of this pillow is made from felt. Felt is easy to cut and sew, and there’s no need to fold under or finish edges, making the sewing of this project quicker and easier. Be sure to plan out the word order for your pillow front before you start so you know what size of board to make. The more words you add the bigger your pillow will need to be, but the more personalize you can make it! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with, so be sure to post photos in the Facebook Group page!

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6 Responses to “Project 2: Scrabble Board Throw Pillow”

  1. Mildred

    Where do I find the material requirements for Project 1 & 2? I haven’t received any emails yet and can’t find the project under files. Thanks.

  2. Sherri


  3. Cathy

    Beautiful pattern

  4. Patty

    What was project 1? I never received an email on it.

  5. Barb

    This was just terrific. I love scrabble and play everyday. I love Ashley and think she is very good. I love her ideas. I will take some of her ideas and add my own since I have Viking embroidery and will adjust to my own specifications. So happy I signed up and Ashley is perfect.!!!!

  6. Shay Davis

    Instead of a pillow, I will make a tote for my best friend. With her name and kids names. Thanks for the lovely ides!!!!!