Make an Apron from a Men’s Shirt
Nicki LaFoilleFor shirts that are too large, or have holes in the sleeves or back, recycle the shirt front by turning it into a fun apron. Nicki LaFoille shows you how!
Begin by cutting along the side seam, leaving the topstitched felled seam intact, if applicable. Nicki goes over how to alter the size of the apron and create new side hems if the shirt is too wide. Cut off the shirt sleeves and cut along the collar band, leaving the collar band intact.
Next, determine how far down from the shoulder/neck point you want the straps to begin. Mark this point on the shirt. Then trim the shirt at an angle from the shoulder/neck point to the mark at the side of the shirt.
Nicki demonstrates how to use the shirt back to cut the needed length of binding strips to bind the angled raw edges and create the apron straps, all in one step.
Stitch the binding strip to the apron wrong side, then turn it over to the right side, folding the long raw edge under and aligning the fold just over the seam. Nicki then demonstrates how to topstitch the fold to secure the binding, plus topstitch the remaining strip beyond the apron edge to create the strap.
Once both angled cuts of the apron are bound, Nicki demonstrates how to topstitch a pocket onto the apron body. Recycle an old dishtowel to use as the patch pocket, or use another absorbent fabric, as dress-shirt fabrics are often not absorbent.
For more apron projects, check out this vintage style apron, which has a fun, curved shape; this easy bound apron, or this handy craft apron, which is a great option if you prefer half aprons that do not cover the upper part of the body.
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