Spot Stitches & French Knots
Kat McTeeDescription
Spot stitches are simple and versatile and make outstanding design elements in any hand embroidery project. They can be worked singly as accents, in rows to create a line, or in groups as filling stitches. In this video, Kat McTee demonstrates the Cross Stitch, Star Stitch, Fern Stitch, and French Knot.
Spot Stitches
Cross Stitch
The Cross Stitch is formed by two straight stitches that cross at an angle, creating an X. Kat demonstrates how to efficiently stitch a line of Cross Stitches, which differs from spot stitching.
To keep your X’s even, mark the angle of each stitch using a removable marker, if desired. Kat demonstrates Cross Stitch variations, plus how to finish a stitch by tying off the thread on the wrong side.
Star Stitch
The Star Stitch is essentially two Cross Stitches layered over each other. Kat demonstrates how to complete this stitch with simple-to-follow diagrams and several variations.
If stitching a large stitch with arms that are ¾” or longer, Kat recommends breaking each long stitch into two stitches. When making small star stitches, Kat recommends using three strands of embroidery floss rather than the full six strands to avoid excess bulk.
Fern Stitch
The Fern Stitch is composed of three stitches, one straight and the others angling off the lower point of the first. Kat also demonstrates how to use this stitch to create leaf veins.
French Knots
Kat demonstrates how to create the French Knot by wrapping the thread around the needle and inserting it back through the fabric. It can be tricky, but with Kat’s tips, plus some practice and patience, you’ll master it in no time.
For more on hand embroidery, learn how to Create Your Own Hand Embroidery Patterns, get tips for Hand Embroidery on T-Shirts, plus get an in-depth course on hand embroidery stitches with The Ins & Outs of Embroidery.