5 Must-Have Tools for Your Sewing Kit

National Sewing Circle Editors
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Duration:   5  mins

While there are many different sewing tools available on the market today, you don’t have to have them all. ZJ Humbach shares what her top five go-to tools are and what they are used for. This is helpful information if you are looking to add new tools to your sewing room, or if you are new to sewing and are unsure what the best tools to invest in first are.

Essential Sewing Tools

ZJ starts her top five tools list with a tool that is a big must-have before you can begin pretty much any sewing project: a good pair of scissors. She explains what her favorite kind of scissors are and why, and also touches on why it is important to have a nice sharp pair of scissors for any project. ZJ then goes on to explain that there are different sizes and types of scissors and snips available on the market and that they all come in useful for different applications.

ZJ then continues her top five tools list with more tools and supplies sewers use everyday. She talks about pins, including what kinds she likes to use and why. Pins come in a variety of different sizes, sharpness, and pinhead variety, so it is important to use a type of pin that works well with your project.

More Tools and Equipment

ZJ wraps up her top five sewing tools list with more sewing gadgets that come in useful for a variety of projects. These tools include rulers, a good iron, and a fun multi-use tool. ZJ explains what type of ruler she likes to use and why the larger size she picks works well for many different projects. She also talks about the iron that she likes to use and explains that the brand of iron you use is less important its features you might want, like steam. Once you learn about new sewing tools to use, consider learning about the different types of thread for sewing.

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5 Responses to “5 Must-Have Tools for Your Sewing Kit”

  1. Theresa

    What brand of iron do you recommend

  2. Claire Hart

    You are awesome!!! so agree with you Happy Thanksgiving

  3. Anne

    A see-through scrylic ruler is great for matching patterns, plaids, and stripes at shoulder seams and other tricky places.

  4. Vicki Gainous

    Great tips.

  5. Margaret Gunter

    On the point turner: do the openings have a purpose?

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